Get to know more about our development process

Software Factory


We map the functionalities and characteristics of the system and we craft a commercial proposal containing the cost, deadline and project scope.


We develop solutions using the best practices available in the market, with quality and agility, adding value tou your enterprise.


We utilize manual and automated tests during the whole development process, the result is high productivity and low rates of rework.

Starting a new project


New project

We start a new project based on a talk, phone call or email from a client.

Requirements mapping

We ask a series of questions in order to list the functionalities and characteristics that are required in the system.

Commercial Proposal

With the requirements mapped, we craft a commercial proposal containing the cost, deadline and project scope.

Coding the application



The project is analyzed and divided in a series of activities, resulting in an adequate management.


We define the design and the architecture of the system and we implement each mapped functionality.

Customer interaction

During the development process, our clients are kept informed about the state of their product and suggests changes if necessary.

Testing and validating what was developed


Integrated tests

We test the whole system in order to remove any and all imperfections.


We verify if all the requirements were coded, and if all of them are meeting the expectations.


We install, configure and train for the correct use of the system.

Get to know more about the agile development practice utilized at StarBuilder


StarBuilder utilizes Scrum, an agile methodology used for management and planning of our software projects.


Product Backlog

In this stage we create a list of all the tasks that will be executed by our team.


Sprint Backlog

We divide the whole scope into Sprints, based on the priorities and the time necessary to complete the tasks.



The whole work is made based on iterations and divided into small software shipments. In each Sprint we deliver a valuable functionality to our client.



The team presents the implemented functionalities and we start the planning for the next Sprint.

Main languages and technologies we use
